Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Fan Art is Convenient

A large percentage of my art is fan art. It's not that I don't have my own ideas, am that much of a nerd, or don't have the skill to go on my own. It's that my brain gets in the way of creating, honestly it is a pretty Negative Nelly when it comes to letting me commit art.

However I do a lot of fan art because I am moderately disciplined, and if I commit to making art I will make SOMETHING.

I do it for the same reason I create a lot of cat art: convenience. There was a daily cat calendar on my desk, so I drew a lot of cats. I am a fan of several geeky properties (such as Sailor Moon, shown in the picture), so it is around a lot therefore I use it often.

So not everyone should create cat or fan art as daily practice. But look around for something present in your environment that changes often. Buy a daily calendar. Whatever works for you.

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