Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Car Art

The A-Team van. Easy, breezy, floppy.
My partner took me to a car show (if I remember correctly, MOPAR) in the summer of 2018. Seeing other forms of art can be inspiring. I was thinking of painting cars, but I decided to take it a step farther and paint geek cars.

I vastly prefer freehand to using tools for perfecting angles and lines. I like the way it makes the figures float off the page. I also do not have the patience for that for most pieces. However if I decide to paint classic cars, I will put more effort into the technicals.

The TMNT van. Infuriating, difficult, floppy.
The A-Team van was pretty fun, I did it in one sitting and had fun. I gave zero fucks about getting the angles right but obsessed about getting shading and other details adequately done. I like how it adds to the look of the vehicle turning sharply. I nearly made the tires look like they were burning out, but wanted a simple look. No background- I actually regret adding the ground shadow.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT) van was miserable. I painted the top of the van 6+ times. My back was killing me. I had to take multiple breaks, and force myself to return to it ever time. But I couldn't let it beat me. I was going to finish that damned thing no matter how much I hated it and no matter how much it hurt. But I learned, no ground shadow on this one.

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